Technology research suits for companies who would like to develop new a product or service. Before you start the project you need to decide where to focus with the technology research.
- Technological research focused on hardware design and architecture. We will help to design a product hardware and and general architecture.
- Technological research focused on software design and architecture. We will help to design software solution architecture, main concepts and analyze possible issues.
- Algorithm concept development and research already available methods. We will research about existing methods, provide mathematical models and validation methods to start with model development.
For funding it is possible to use innovation voucher grant of EAS. It enables a small and medium-sized entrepreneur (SME) who is cooperating with a higher education institute, test laboratory, or intellectual property experts, to develop innovative solutions for development obstacles, carry out tests with new materials, gather knowledge on technologies, conduct studies in intellectual property databases etc.
In 2020 maximum grant is 6000 EUR that covers 80% from the entire project costs. Own contribution is at least 20%. By that the maximum project cost is 7500€ to use a whole grant with minimum own contribution.
Read more information about EAS Innovation voucher